The Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA)  openMHA
Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research
mha_fifo_lf_t< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for mha_fifo_lf_t< T >, including all inherited members.

atomic_read_ptrmha_fifo_lf_t< T >private
atomic_write_ptrmha_fifo_lf_t< T >private
bufmha_fifo_t< T >private
clear()mha_fifo_t< T >inlineprotected
get_available_space() const overridemha_fifo_lf_t< T >inlinevirtual
get_fill_count() const overridemha_fifo_lf_t< T >inlinevirtual
mha_fifo_t::get_fill_count(const T *wp, const T *rp) constmha_fifo_t< T >inlineprotected
get_max_fill_count() constmha_fifo_t< T >inlinevirtual
get_read_ptr() constmha_fifo_t< T >inlineprotected
get_write_ptr() constmha_fifo_t< T >inlineprotected
mha_fifo_lf_t(unsigned max_fill_count, const T &t=T())mha_fifo_lf_t< T >inlineexplicit
mha_fifo_t(unsigned max_fill_count, const T &t=T())mha_fifo_t< T >explicit
mha_fifo_t(const mha_fifo_t &)=deletemha_fifo_t< T >
mha_fifo_t(mha_fifo_t &&)=deletemha_fifo_t< T >
operator=(const mha_fifo_t< T > &)=deletemha_fifo_t< T >
operator=(mha_fifo_t< T > &&)=deletemha_fifo_t< T >
read(T *outbuf, unsigned count) overridemha_fifo_lf_t< T >inlinevirtual
read_ptrmha_fifo_t< T >private
value_type typedefmha_fifo_t< T >
write(const T *data, unsigned count) overridemha_fifo_lf_t< T >inlinevirtual
write_ptrmha_fifo_t< T >private
~mha_fifo_t()=defaultmha_fifo_t< T >virtual