The Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA)  openMHA
Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research
mha_parser.hh File Reference

Header file for the MHA-Parser script language. More...


class  MHAParser::keyword_list_t
 Keyword list class. More...
class  MHAParser::expression_t
class  MHAParser::entry_t
class  MHAParser::base_t
 Base class for all parser items. More...
class  MHAParser::base_t::replace_t
class  MHAParser::parser_t
 Parser node class. More...
class  MHAParser::c_ifc_parser_t
class  MHAParser::monitor_t
 Base class for monitors and variable nodes. More...
class  MHAParser::variable_t
 Base class for variable nodes. More...
class  MHAParser::range_var_t
 Base class for all variables with a numeric value range. More...
class  MHAParser::kw_t
 Variable with keyword list value. More...
class  MHAParser::string_t
 Variable with a string value. More...
class  MHAParser::vstring_t
 Vector variable with string values. More...
class  MHAParser::bool_t
 Variable with a boolean value ("yes"/"no") More...
class  MHAParser::int_t
 Variable with integer value. More...
class  MHAParser::float_t
 Variable with float value. More...
class  MHAParser::complex_t
 Variable with complex value. More...
class  MHAParser::vint_t
 Variable with vector<int> value. More...
class  MHAParser::vfloat_t
 Vector variable with float value. More...
class  MHAParser::vcomplex_t
 Vector variable with complex value. More...
class  MHAParser::mint_t
 Matrix variable with int value. More...
class  MHAParser::mfloat_t
 Matrix variable with float value. More...
class  MHAParser::mcomplex_t
 Matrix variable with complex value. More...
class  MHAParser::int_mon_t
 Monitor variable with int value. More...
class  MHAParser::bool_mon_t
 Monitor with string value. More...
class  MHAParser::string_mon_t
 Monitor with string value. More...
class  MHAParser::vstring_mon_t
 Vector of monitors with string value. More...
class  MHAParser::vint_mon_t
 Vector of ints monitor. More...
class  MHAParser::mint_mon_t
 Matrix of ints monitor. More...
class  MHAParser::vfloat_mon_t
 Vector of floats monitor. More...
class  MHAParser::mfloat_mon_t
 Matrix of floats monitor. More...
class  MHAParser::float_mon_t
 Monitor with float value. More...
class  MHAParser::complex_mon_t
 Monitor with complex value. More...
class  MHAParser::vcomplex_mon_t
 Monitor with vector of complex values. More...
class  MHAParser::mcomplex_mon_t
 Matrix of complex numbers monitor. More...
class  MHAParser::commit_t< receiver_t >
 Parser variable with event-emission functionality. More...
class  MHAParser::mhaconfig_mon_t


 Name space for the openMHA-Parser configuration language.
 String converter namespace.


#define DEFAULT_RETSIZE   0x100000
#define insert_member(x)   insert_item(#x,&x)
 Macro to insert a member variable into a parser. More...


typedef std::string(base_t::* MHAParser::opact_t) (expression_t &)
typedef std::string(base_t::* MHAParser::query_t) (const std::string &)
typedef std::map< std::string, opact_t > MHAParser::opact_map_t
typedef std::map< std::string, query_t > MHAParser::query_map_t
typedef std::list< entry_t > MHAParser::entry_map_t
typedef int(* MHAParser::c_parse_cmd_t) (void *, const char *, char *, unsigned int)
typedef const char *(* MHAParser::c_parse_err_t) (void *, int)


std::string MHAParser::commentate (const std::string &s)
void MHAParser::trim (std::string &s)
std::string MHAParser::cfg_dump (base_t *, const std::string &)
std::string MHAParser::cfg_dump_short (base_t *, const std::string &)
std::string MHAParser::all_dump (base_t *, const std::string &)
std::string MHAParser::mon_dump (base_t *, const std::string &)
std::string MHAParser::all_ids (base_t *, const std::string &, const std::string &="")
void MHAParser::strreplace (std::string &, const std::string &, const std::string &)
 string replace function More...
void MHAParser::envreplace (std::string &s)
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, bool &)
 Convert from string. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, float &)
 Convert from string. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, mha_complex_t &)
 Convert from string. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, int &)
 Convert from string. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, keyword_list_t &)
 Convert from string. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &, std::string &)
 Convert from string. More...
template<class arg_t >
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &s, std::vector< arg_t > &val)
 Converter for vector types. More...
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val< mha_real_t > (const std::string &s, std::vector< mha_real_t > &v)
 Converter for vector<mha_real_t> with Matlab-style expansion. More...
template<class arg_t >
void MHAParser::StrCnv::str2val (const std::string &s, std::vector< std::vector< arg_t > > &val)
 Converter for matrix types. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const bool &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const float &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const mha_complex_t &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const int &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const keyword_list_t &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::string &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< float > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< mha_complex_t > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< int > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< std::vector< int > > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< std::string > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< std::vector< float > > &)
 Convert to string. More...
std::string MHAParser::StrCnv::val2str (const std::vector< std::vector< mha_complex_t > > &)
 Convert to string. More...
int MHAParser::StrCnv::num_brackets (const std::string &s)
 count number of brackets More...

Detailed Description

Header file for the MHA-Parser script language.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DEFAULT_RETSIZE   0x100000

◆ insert_member

#define insert_member (   x)    insert_item(#x,&x)

Macro to insert a member variable into a parser.

xMember variable to be inserted. Name of member variable will be used as configuration name.

See also MHAParser::parser_t::insert_item().