The Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA)  openMHA
Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research
mha_windowparser.h File Reference


class  MHAWindow::base_t
 Common base for window types. More...
class  MHAWindow::fun_t
 Generic window based on a generator function. More...
class  MHAWindow::rect_t
 Rectangular window. More...
class  MHAWindow::bartlett_t
 Bartlett window. More...
class  MHAWindow::hanning_t
 von-Hann window More...
class  MHAWindow::hamming_t
 Hamming window. More...
class  MHAWindow::blackman_t
 Blackman window. More...
class  MHAWindow::user_t
 User defined window. More...
class  MHAParser::window_t
 MHA configuration interface for a window function generator. More...


 Collection of Window types.
 Name space for the openMHA-Parser configuration language.


float MHAWindow::rect (float)
 Rectangular window function. More...
float MHAWindow::bartlett (float)
 Bartlett window function. More...
float MHAWindow::hanning (float)
 Hanning window function. More...
float MHAWindow::hamming (float)
 Hamming window function. More...
float MHAWindow::blackman (float)
 Blackman window function. More...