►Nac2lsl | All types for the ac2lsl plugins live in this namespace |
Ctype_info | |
Csave_var_base_t | Interface for ac to lsl bridge variable |
Csave_var_t | Implementation for all ac to lsl bridges except complex types |
Csave_var_t< mha_complex_t > | Template specialization of the ac2lsl bridge to take care of complex numbers |
Ccfg_t | Runtime configuration class of the ac2lsl plugin |
Cac2lsl_t | Plugin class of ac2lsl |
►Nac2wave | Namespace containing all code for the ac2wave plugin |
Cac2wave_t | Ac2wave real-time configuration class |
Cac2wave_if_t | Ac2wave plugin interface class |
►Nac2xdf | |
Cac2xdf_rt_t | |
Cac2xdf_if_t | Plugin interface class of plugin ac2xdf |
Coutput_file_t | Output_file_t represents one XDF output file |
Cacwriter_base_t | Base class for all acwriter_t's |
Cacwriter_t | |
►Nac_proc | |
Cinterface_t | |
►Nacmon | Namespace for displaying ac variables as parser monitors |
Cac_monitor_t | A class for converting AC variables to Parser monitors of correct type |
Cacmon_t | Acmon plugin interface class |
►Nacsave | |
Csave_var_t | |
Ccfg_t | |
Cacsave_t | |
Cmat4head_t | |
►Naddsndfile | |
Cwaveform_proxy_t | Class helps to specify which instance of MHASignal_waveform_t parent instance is meant in resampled_soundfile_t |
Cresampled_soundfile_t | Reads sound from file and resamples it if necessary and wanted |
Csndfile_t | |
Clevel_adapt_t | |
Caddsndfile_if_t | |
►NADM | |
CLinearphase_FIR | An efficient linear-phase fir filter implementation |
CDelay | A delay-line class |
CADM | Adaptive differential microphone, working for speech frequency range |
►Naudiometerbackend | |
Clnn3rdoct_t | |
Csine_t | |
Csignal_gen_t | |
Clevel_adapt_t | |
Caudiometer_if_t | |
►NAuditoryProfile | Namespace for classes and functions around the auditory profile (e.g., audiogram handling) |
Cfmap_t | A class to store frequency dependent data (e.g., HTL and UCL) |
►Cprofile_t | The Auditory Profile class |
Cear_t | Class for ear-dependent parameters, e.g., audiograms or unilateral loudness scaling |
►Cparser_t | Class to make the auditory profile accessible through the parser interface |
Cear_t | |
Cfmap_t | |
►Ncoherence | |
Cvars_t | |
Ccohflt_t | |
Ccohflt_if_t | |
►Ncpuload | |
Ccpuload_cfg_t | |
Ccpuload_if_t | |
►Ndbasync_native | |
Cdelay_check_t | |
Cdbasync_t | |
Cdb_if_t | |
►Ndc | Namespace containing all classes of the dc plugin which performs dynamic compression |
Cdc_vars_t | Collection of configuration variables of the dc plugin |
Cdc_vars_validator_t | Consistency checker |
Cdc_t | Runtime configuration class of dynamic compression plugin dc |
Cdc_if_t | Plugin interface class of the dynamic compression plugin dc |
►Ndc_simple | |
Cdc_vars_t | Class for dc_simple plugin which registers variables to MHAParser |
Cdc_vars_validator_t | Helper class to check sizes of configuration variable vectors |
Clevel_smoother_t | Class which computes smoothed input levels on individual bands, using an attack and release filter, which are a first order low pass filter and a maximum tracker filter, respectively |
►Cdc_t | Runtime config class for dc_simple plugin |
Cline_t | Helper class for usage in computing compression, expansion and limiting |
Cdc_if_t | Interface class for dc_simple |
►Ndelay | |
Cinterface_t | |
►Ndelaysum | This namespace contains the delaysum plugin |
Cdelaysum_wave_t | Runtime configuration of the delaysum_wave plugin |
Cdelaysum_wave_if_t | Interface class for the delaysum plugin |
►Ndelaysum_spec | |
Cdelaysum_t | |
Cdelaysum_spec_if_t | |
►Ndouble2acvar | |
Cdouble2acvar_t | Plugin interface class for double2acvar |
►NDynComp | Dynamic compression related classes and functions |
Cdc_afterburn_vars_t | Variables for dc_afterburn_t class |
Cdc_afterburn_rt_t | Real-time class for after burn effect |
Cdc_afterburn_t | Afterburn class, to be defined as a member of compressors |
Cgaintable_t | Gain table class |
►Nequalize | |
Ccfg_t | |
Cfreqgains_t | |
►Nfader_wave | |
Clevel_adapt_t | |
Cfader_wave_if_t | |
►Nfftfbpow | Namespace for the fftfbpow plugin |
Cfftfbpow_t | Run time configuration for the fftfbpow plugin |
Cfftfbpow_interface_t | Interface class for fftfbpow plugin |
►Nfftfilter | |
Cfftfilter_t | |
Cinterface_t | |
►Nfftfilterbank | |
Cfftfb_plug_t | |
Cfftfb_interface_t | |
►Nfshift | All types for the fshift plugin live in this namespace |
Cfshift_config_t | Fshift runtime config class |
Cfshift_t | Fshift plugin interface class |
►Nfshift_hilbert | All types for the hilbert frequency shifter live in this namespace |
Chilbert_shifter_t | |
Cfrequency_translator_t | |
►Ngain | |
Cscaler_t | |
Cgain_if_t | |
►Ngsc_adaptive_stage | |
Cgsc_adaptive_stage | |
Cgsc_adaptive_stage_if | Plugin interface class |
►Ngtfb_analyzer | |
Cgtfb_analyzer_cfg_t | Configuration for Gammatone Filterbank Analyzer |
Cgtfb_analyzer_t | Gammatone Filterbank Analyzer Plugin |
►Nlevel_matching | |
Cchannel_pair | |
Clevel_matching_config_t | |
Clevel_matching_t | |
►Nlsl2ac | |
Csave_var_base_t | |
Csave_var_t | LSL to AC bridge variable |
Csave_var_t< std::string > | Specialication for marker streams |
Ccfg_t | Runtime configuration class of the lsl2ac plugin |
Clsl2ac_t | Plugin class of lsl2ac |
►Nmatlab_wrapper | Namespace where all classes of the matlab wrapper plugin live |
Ctypes | |
Ctypes< MHA_WAVEFORM > | |
Ctypes< MHA_SPECTRUM > | |
Cmatlab_wrapper_rt_cfg_t | Thin wrapper around the emxArray containing the user defined configuration variables |
Ccallback | Utility class connecting a user_config_t instance to its corresponding configuration parser |
►Cmatlab_wrapper_t | Matlab wraper plugin interface class |
Cwrapped_plugin_t | Wrapper class around the matlab-generated library |
►Nmatrixmixer | |
Ccfg_t | |
Cmatmix_t | |
►Nmconv | |
CMConv | |
►NMHA_AC | |
Ccomm_var_t | Algorithm communication variable structure |
Cspectrum_t | Convenience class for inserting a spectrum into the AC space |
Cwaveform_t | Convenience class for inserting a waveform (a block of time-domain audio signal) into the AC space |
Cstat_t | |
Cac2matrix_helper_t | |
Cac2matrix_t | Copy AC variable to a matrix |
Cacspace2matrix_t | Copy all or a subset of all numeric AC variables into an array of matrixes |
Ccomm_var_map_t | Storage class for the AC variable space |
Calgo_comm_t | Algorithm communication variable space interface |
Calgo_comm_class_t | AC variable space implementation |
Cscalar_t | Template for convenience classes for inserting a numeric scalar into the AC space |
Nmha_error_helpers | |
►NMHA_TCP | A Namespace for TCP helper classes |
Csock_init_t | |
CWakeup_Event | A base class for asynchronous wakeup events |
CAsync_Notify | Portable Multiplexable cross-thread notification |
CEvent_Watcher | OS-independent event watcher, uses select on Unix and WaitForMultipleObjects on Windows |
CTimeout_Event | |
CTimeout_Watcher | OS-independent event watcher with internal fixed-end-time timeout |
CSockread_Event | Watch socket for incoming data |
CSockwrite_Event | |
CSockaccept_Event | |
CConnection | Connection handles Communication between client and server, is used on both sides |
CServer | |
CClient | A portable class for a tcp client connections |
CThread | A very simple class for portable threads |
►Nmha_tcp | Namespace for network communication classes of MHA |
Cbuffered_socket_t | An asio TCP socket with an associated streambuf buffer for receiving lines of text, as well as string buffers for sending responses |
Cserver_t | Class for accepting TCP connections from clients |
►Nmhachain | |
Cplugs_t | |
Cchain_base_t | |
Cmhachain_t | |
►NMHAEvents | Collection of event handling classes |
Cconnector_base_t | |
Cemitter_t | Class for emitting openMHA events |
Cconnector_t | |
Cpatchbay_t | Patchbay which connects any event emitter with any member function of the parameter class |
►NMHAFilter | Namespace for IIR and FIR filter classes |
Ccomplex_bandpass_t | Complex bandpass filter |
Cgamma_flt_t | Class for gammatone filter |
Cthirdoctave_analyzer_t | |
Cfilter_t | Generic IIR filter class |
Cdiff_t | Differentiator class (non-normalized) |
Co1_ar_filter_t | First order attack-release lowpass filter |
Co1flt_lowpass_t | First order low pass filter |
Co1flt_maxtrack_t | First order maximum tracker |
Co1flt_mintrack_t | First order minimum tracker |
Ciir_filter_state_t | |
Ciir_filter_t | IIR filter class wrapper for integration into parser structure |
Cadapt_filter_state_t | |
Cadapt_filter_param_t | |
Cadapt_filter_t | Adaptive filter |
Cfftfilter_t | FFT based FIR filter implementation |
Cfftfilterbank_t | FFT based FIR filterbank implementation |
Ctransfer_function_t | Structure containing a source channel number, a target channel number, and an impulse response |
Ctransfer_matrix_t | A sparse matrix of transfer function partitionss |
►Cpartitioned_convolution_t | A filter class for partitioned convolution |
Cindex_t | Bookkeeping class |
Csmoothspec_t | Smooth spectral gains, create a windowed impulse response |
Cresampling_filter_t | Hann shaped low pass filter for resampling |
Cpolyphase_resampling_t | A class that performs polyphase resampling |
Cblockprocessing_polyphase_resampling_t | A class that does polyphase resampling and takes into account block processing |
Ciir_ord1_real_t | First order recursive filter |
Cio_jack_t | Main class for JACK IO |
►NMHAIOJackdb | |
Cio_jack_t | Main class for JACK IO |
►NMHAIOPortAudio | |
Cstream_info_t | |
Cdevice_info_t | |
Cio_portaudio_t | Main class for Portaudio sound IO |
Nmhaioutils | |
►NMHAJack | Classes and functions for openMHA and JACK interaction |
Cport_t | Class for one channel/port |
Cclient_t | Generic asynchronous JACK client |
Cclient_noncont_t | Generic client for synchronous playback and recording of waveform fragments |
Cclient_avg_t | Generic JACK client for averaging a system response across time |
►NMHAMultiSrc | Collection of classes for selecting audio chunks from multiple sources |
Cchannel_t | |
Cchannels_t | |
Cbase_t | Base class for source selection |
Cwaveform_t | |
Cspectrum_t | |
►NMHAOvlFilter | Namespace for overlapping FFT based filter bank classes and functions |
►Nbarkscale | |
Chz2bark_t | |
Cbark2hz_t | |
NFreqScaleFun | Transform functions from linear scale in Hz to new frequency scales |
NShapeFun | Shape functions for overlapping filters |
Cband_descriptor_t | |
Cscale_var_t | |
Cfscale_t | |
Cfscale_bw_t | |
Cfftfb_vars_t | Set of configuration variables for FFT-based overlapping filters |
Cfspacing_t | Class for frequency spacing, used by filterbank shape generator class |
Cfftfb_t | FFT based overlapping filter bank |
►Coverlap_save_filterbank_t | A time-domain minimal phase filter bank with frequency shapes from MHAOvlFilter::fftfb_t |
Cvars_t | |
Coverlap_save_filterbank_analytic_t | |
Cfftfb_ac_info_t | |
►NMHAParser | Name space for the openMHA-Parser configuration language |
NStrCnv | String converter namespace |
Ckeyword_list_t | Keyword list class |
Cexpression_t | |
Centry_t | |
►Cbase_t | Base class for all parser items |
Creplace_t | |
Cparser_t | Parser node class |
Cc_ifc_parser_t | |
Cmonitor_t | Base class for monitors and variable nodes |
Cvariable_t | Base class for variable nodes |
Crange_var_t | Base class for all variables with a numeric value range |
Ckw_t | Variable with keyword list value |
Cstring_t | Variable with a string value |
Cvstring_t | Vector variable with string values |
Cbool_t | Variable with a boolean value ("yes"/"no") |
Cint_t | Variable with integer value |
Cfloat_t | Variable with float value |
Ccomplex_t | Variable with complex value |
Cvint_t | Variable with vector<int> value |
Cvfloat_t | Vector variable with float value |
Cvcomplex_t | Vector variable with complex value |
Cmint_t | Matrix variable with int value |
Cmfloat_t | Matrix variable with float value |
Cmcomplex_t | Matrix variable with complex value |
Cint_mon_t | Monitor variable with int value |
Cbool_mon_t | Monitor with string value |
Cstring_mon_t | Monitor with string value |
Cvstring_mon_t | Vector of monitors with string value |
Cvint_mon_t | Vector of ints monitor |
Cmint_mon_t | Matrix of ints monitor |
Cvfloat_mon_t | Vector of floats monitor |
Cmfloat_mon_t | Matrix of floats monitor |
Cfloat_mon_t | Monitor with float value |
Ccomplex_mon_t | Monitor with complex value |
Cvcomplex_mon_t | Monitor with vector of complex values |
Cmcomplex_mon_t | Matrix of complex numbers monitor |
Ccommit_t | Parser variable with event-emission functionality |
Cmhaconfig_mon_t | |
Cwindow_t | MHA configuration interface for a window function generator |
Cmhapluginloader_t | Class to create a plugin loader in a parser, including the load logic |
►NMHAPlugin | Namespace for openMHA plugin class templates and thread-safe runtime configurations |
Ccfg_node_t | A node class for storing MHA plugin runtime configurations as a singly linked list, where the nodes store besides the usual "next" and "data" pointers also a flag that indicates whether this node can be deleted |
Cconfig_t | Template class for thread safe configuration |
Cplugin_t | The template class for C++ openMHA plugins |
►NMHAPlugin_Resampling | |
Cresampling_t | |
Cresampling_if_t | |
►NMHAPlugin_Split | |
Cuni_processor_t | An interface to a class that sports a process method with no parameters and no return value |
Cthread_platform_t | Basic interface for encapsulating thread creation, thread priority setting, and synchronization on any threading platform (i.e., pthreads or win32threads) |
Cdummy_threads_t | Dummy specification of a thread platform: This class implements everything in a single thread |
Cposix_threads_t | Posix threads specification of thread platform |
Cdomain_handler_t | Handles domain-specific partial input and output signal |
Csplitted_part_t | The splitted_part_t instance manages the plugin that performs processing on the reduced set of channels |
Csplit_t | Implements split plugin |
►NMHASignal | Namespace for audio signal handling and processing classes |
Chilbert_fftw_t | |
Cspectrum_t | Signal processing class for spectral data (based on mha_spec_t) |
Cwaveform_t | Signal processing class for waveform data (based on mha_wave_t) |
Cdoublebuffer_t | Double-buffering class |
Cringbuffer_t | A ringbuffer class for time domain audio signal, which makes no assumptions with respect to fragment size |
Chilbert_t | Hilbert transformation of a waveform segment |
Cminphase_t | Minimal phase function |
Cstat_t | |
Cdelay_wave_t | Delayline containing wave fragments |
Cdelay_spec_t | |
Casync_rmslevel_t | Class for asynchronous level metering |
Cuint_vector_t | Vector of unsigned values, used for size and index description of n-dimensional matrixes |
Cmatrix_t | N-dimensional matrix with real or complex floating point values |
Cschroeder_t | Schroeder tone complex class |
Cquantizer_t | Simple simulation of fixpoint quantization |
Cloop_wavefragment_t | Copy a fixed waveform fragment to a series of waveform fragments of other size |
Cdelay_t | Class to realize a simple delay of waveform streams |
Csubsample_delay_t | Implements subsample delay in spectral domain |
Cfft_t | |
►NMHASndFile | |
Csf_t | |
Csf_wave_t | |
►NMHATableLookup | Namespace for table lookup classes |
Ctable_t | |
Clinear_table_t | Class for interpolation with equidistant x values |
Cxy_table_t | Class for interpolation with non-equidistant x values |
NMHAUtils | |
►NMHAWindow | Collection of Window types |
Cbase_t | Common base for window types |
Cfun_t | Generic window based on a generator function |
Crect_t | Rectangular window |
Cbartlett_t | Bartlett window |
Channing_t | Von-Hann window |
Chamming_t | Hamming window |
Cblackman_t | Blackman window |
Cuser_t | User defined window |
►Nmultibandcompressor | |
Cplugin_signals_t | |
Cfftfb_plug_t | |
Cinterface_t | |
►Nnoise_psd_estimator | |
Cnoise_psd_estimator_t | |
Cnoise_psd_estimator_if_t | |
►Noverlapadd | |
Coverlapadd_t | |
Coverlapadd_if_t | |
►Nplingploing | All classes for the plingploing music generator live in this namespace |
Cplingploing_t | Run-time configuration of the plingploing music generator |
Cif_t | Plugin class of the plingploing music generator |
►NPluginLoader | |
Cconfig_file_splitter_t | |
Cfourway_processor_t | This abstract class defines the interface for classes that implement all types of signal domain processing supported by the MHA: wave2wave, spec2spec, wave2spec, and spec2wave |
Cmhapluginloader_t | |
►Nplugins | |
►Nhoertech | |
►Nacrec | |
Cacwriter_t | Acwriter_t decouples signal processing from writing to disk |
Cacrec_t | Plugin interface class of plugin acrec |
►Nrmslevel | |
Crmslevel_if_t | Rmslevel plugin |
►NrohBeam | |
CconfigOptions | |
CrohConfig | |
CrohBeam | |
►Nroute | |
Cprocess_t | |
Cinterface_t | |
►Nshadowfilter_begin | |
Ccfg_t | |
Cshadowfilter_begin_t | |
►Nshadowfilter_end | |
Ccfg_t | |
Cshadowfilter_end_t | |
►Nsmooth_cepstrum | |
Csmooth_params | |
Csmooth_cepstrum_t | |
Csmooth_cepstrum_if_t | |
►Nsmoothgains_bridge | |
Csmoothspec_wrap_t | |
Coverlapadd_if_t | |
►Ntestplugin | |
Cconfig_parser_t | |
Cac_parser_t | |
Csignal_parser_t | |
Cif_t | |
►Ntrigger2lsl | Namespace for trigger2lsl plugin |
Ctrigger2lsl_rt_t | Real-time configuration class for trigger2lsl plugin |
Ctrigger2lsl_if_t | Plugin interface class of plugin trigger2lsl |
►Nwave2lsl | All types for the wave2lsl plugins live in this namespace |
Ccfg_t | Runtime configuration class of the wave2lsl plugin |
Cwave2lsl_t | Plugin class of wave2lsl |
►Nwindnoise | Namespace for plugin windnoise which detects and cancels wind noise |
Ccfg_t | Runtime config class for windnoise plugin |
Cif_t | Interface class for windnoise plugin |