The Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA)  openMHA
Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Nac2lslAll types for the ac2lsl plugins live in this namespace
 Nac2waveNamespace containing all code for the ac2wave plugin
 NacmonNamespace for displaying ac variables as parser monitors
 NAuditoryProfileNamespace for classes and functions around the auditory profile (e.g., audiogram handling)
 NdcNamespace containing all classes of the dc plugin which performs dynamic compression
 NdelaysumThis namespace contains the delaysum plugin
 NDynCompDynamic compression related classes and functions
 NfftfbpowNamespace for the fftfbpow plugin
 NfshiftAll types for the fshift plugin live in this namespace
 Nfshift_hilbertAll types for the hilbert frequency shifter live in this namespace
 Nmatlab_wrapperNamespace where all classes of the matlab wrapper plugin live
 NMHA_TCPA Namespace for TCP helper classes
 Nmha_tcpNamespace for network communication classes of MHA
 NMHAEventsCollection of event handling classes
 NMHAFilterNamespace for IIR and FIR filter classes
 NMHAJackClasses and functions for openMHA and JACK interaction
 NMHAMultiSrcCollection of classes for selecting audio chunks from multiple sources
 NMHAOvlFilterNamespace for overlapping FFT based filter bank classes and functions
 NMHAParserName space for the openMHA-Parser configuration language
 NMHAPluginNamespace for openMHA plugin class templates and thread-safe runtime configurations
 NMHASignalNamespace for audio signal handling and processing classes
 NMHATableLookupNamespace for table lookup classes
 NMHAWindowCollection of Window types
 NplingploingAll classes for the plingploing music generator live in this namespace
 Ntrigger2lslNamespace for trigger2lsl plugin
 Nwave2lslAll types for the wave2lsl plugins live in this namespace
 NwindnoiseNamespace for plugin windnoise which detects and cancels wind noise
 Cac2osc_tPlugin class of the ac2osc plugin
 Cac_mul_tThe class which implements the ac_mul_t plugin
 Cadaptive_feedback_canceller_configThis is the runtime configuration, the main processing will be done in this class
 Calsa_dev_par_parser_tParser variables corresponding to one alsa device
 Calsa_tOur representation of one alsa device
 Caltconfig_tSingle class implementing plugin altconfig
 CCi_auralization_acePlugin interface class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_auralization_ace_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_auralization_cisPlugin interface class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 CCi_auralization_cis_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 CCi_simulation_acePlugin interface class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_simulation_ace_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_simulation_cisPlugin interface class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 CCi_simulation_cis_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 Cdroptect_tDetect dropouts in a signal with a constant spectrum
 Cdynamiclib_tWrapper class around a shared library
 Cexample1_tThis C++ class implements the simplest example plugin for the step-by-step tutorial
 Cexample2_tThis C++ class implements the second example plugin for the step-by-step tutorial
 Cexample3_tA Plugin class using the openMHA Event mechanism
 Cexample4_tA Plugin class using the spectral signal
 Cexpression_tClass for separating a string into a left hand value and a right hand value
 CGet_rmsPlugin interface class for computing the exponentially averaged RMS of the channels of an input signal and storing it in an AC variable
 CGet_rms_cfgRuntime configuration class for computing the exponentially averaged RMS of the channels of an input signal and storing it in an AC variable
 Cgtfb_simple_rt_tRuntime configuration class of gtfb_simple_bridge plugin
 Cgtfb_simple_tInterface class of gtfb_simple_bridge plugin
 Channing_ramps_tClass for storing two hanning ramps: a rising ramp a and a falling ramp b
 Cio_alsa_tMHA IO interface class for ALSA IO
 Cio_asterisk_fwcb_tTCP sound-io library's interface to the framework callbacks
 Cio_asterisk_parser_tThe parser interface of the IOAsterisk library
 Cio_asterisk_sound_tSound data handling of io tcp library
 Cio_asterisk_tThe tcp sound io library
 Cio_dummy_tDummy sound io library
 Cio_file_tFile IO
 Cio_lib_tClass for loading MHA sound IO module
 Cio_parser_tMain class for Parser IO
 Cio_tcp_fwcb_tTCP sound-io library's interface to the framework callbacks
 Cio_tcp_parser_tThe parser interface of the IOTCP library
 Cio_tcp_sound_tSound data handling of io tcp library
 Cio_tcp_tThe tcp sound io library
 Clatex_doc_tClass to access the information stored in the plugin source code's MHAPLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION macro
 Cmha_audio_descriptor_tDescription of an audio fragment (planned as a replacement of mhaconfig_t)
 Cmha_audio_tAn audio fragment in the openMHA (planned as a replacement of mha_wave_t and mha_spec_t)
 Cmha_channel_info_tChannel information structure
 Cmha_complex_tType for complex floating point values
 Cmha_complex_test_array_tSeveral places in MHA rely on the fact that you can cast an array of mha_complex_t c[] to an array of mha_real_t r[] with r[0] == c[0].re r[1] == c[0].im r[2] == c[1].re ..
 Cmha_dblbuf_tThe doublebuffer adapts blocksizes between an outer process, which provides input data and takes output data, and an inner process, which processes the input signal and generates output data using a different block size than the outer process
 Cmha_direction_tChannel source direction structure
 Cmha_drifter_fifo_tA FIFO class for blocksize adaptation without Synchronization
 CMHA_ErrorError reporting exception class
 Cmha_fifo_lf_tA lock-free FIFO class for transferring data from a producer thread to a consumer thread
 Cmha_fifo_lw_tThis FIFO uses locks to synchronize access
 Cmha_fifo_tA FIFO class
 Cmha_fifo_thread_guard_tSimple Mutex Guard Class
 Cmha_fifo_thread_platform_tAbstract base class for synchronizing multithreaded (producer/consumer) fifo operations
 Cmha_rt_fifo_element_tObject wrapper for mha_rt_fifo_t
 Cmha_rt_fifo_tTemplate class for thread safe, half real time safe fifo without explixit locks
 Cmha_stash_environment_variable_tThis class changes the value of an environment variable when constructed and restores the original state of the environment variable when destroyed
 Cmha_wave_tWaveform signal structure
 Cmhaconfig_tMHA prepare configuration structure
 Cmhaserver_tMHA Framework listening on TCP port for commands
 Cosc_server_tOSC receiver implemented using liblo
 Cosc_variable_tClass for converting messages received at a single osc address to a single AC variable
 Cpluginlib_tSpecialisation of dynamiclib_t for mha plugin libraries
 CSet_rmsPlugin interface class for seting the channels of an output signal(e.g
 CSet_rms_cfgRuntime configuration class for setting the channels of an output signal (e.g
 Csine_cfg_tRuntime configuration of the sine plugin
 Csine_tInterface class of plugin sine, a sinusoid generator plugin
 Csoftclipper_tSoft clipper signal processing implementation
 Csoftclipper_variables_tParser aggregate of all configuration variables for the output soft clipper
 Cspec2wave_tRuntime config class for plugin spec2wave, the counterpart of wave2spec
 Cwave2spec_if_tPlugin wave2spec interface class, uses wave2spec_t as runtime configuration
 Cwave2spec_tRuntime configuration class for plugin wave2spec
 Cwindowselector_tA combination of mha parser variables to describe an overalapadd analysis window