The Open Master Hearing Aid (openMHA)  openMHA
Open community platform for hearing aid algorithm research
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 Cac2lsl::cfg_tRuntime configuration class of the ac2lsl plugin
 Cac2lsl::save_var_base_tInterface for ac to lsl bridge variable
 Cac2wave::ac2wave_tAc2wave real-time configuration class
 Cac2xdf::acwriter_base_tBase class for all acwriter_t's
 Cac2xdf::output_file_tOutput_file_t represents one XDF output file
 Cacmon::ac_monitor_tA class for converting AC variables to Parser monitors of correct type
 Cadaptive_feedback_canceller_configThis is the runtime configuration, the main processing will be done in this class
 CADM::ADM< F >Adaptive differential microphone, working for speech frequency range
 CADM::Delay< F >A delay-line class
 CADM::Linearphase_FIR< F >An efficient linear-phase fir filter implementation
 CAuditoryProfile::profile_tThe Auditory Profile class
 CAuditoryProfile::profile_t::ear_tClass for ear-dependent parameters, e.g., audiograms or unilateral loudness scaling
 CCi_auralization_ace_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_auralization_cis_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an auralized audio signal from the specified AC variable, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 CCi_simulation_ace_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical ACE (advanced combination encoder, n-of-m) coding strategy with 22 channels
 CCi_simulation_cis_cfgRuntime configuration class for generating an electrodogram from an audio signal, using a stimulation strategy similar to a typical CIS (continuous interleaved sampling) coding strategy with 12 channels
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< adapt_filter_param_t >
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< adapt_filter_state_t >
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< dc_afterburn_rt_t >
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< double >
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< iir_filter_state_t >
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< MHAMultiSrc::channels_t >
 Cdc::dc_vars_tCollection of configuration variables of the dc plugin
 Cdc::dc_vars_validator_tConsistency checker
 Cdc_simple::dc_t::line_tHelper class for usage in computing compression, expansion and limiting
 Cdc_simple::dc_vars_tClass for dc_simple plugin which registers variables to MHAParser
 Cdc_simple::dc_vars_validator_tHelper class to check sizes of configuration variable vectors
 Cdynamiclib_tWrapper class around a shared library
 CDynComp::dc_afterburn_rt_tReal-time class for after burn effect
 CDynComp::gaintable_tGain table class
 Cexpression_tClass for separating a string into a left hand value and a right hand value
 Cfshift::fshift_config_tFshift runtime config class
 CGet_rms_cfgRuntime configuration class for computing the exponentially averaged RMS of the channels of an input signal and storing it in an AC variable
 Cgtfb_analyzer::gtfb_analyzer_cfg_tConfiguration for Gammatone Filterbank Analyzer
 Cgtfb_simple_rt_tRuntime configuration class of gtfb_simple_bridge plugin
 Channing_ramps_tClass for storing two hanning ramps: a rising ramp a and a falling ramp b
 Cio_asterisk_fwcb_tTCP sound-io library's interface to the framework callbacks
 Cio_asterisk_sound_tSound data handling of io tcp library
 Cio_asterisk_tThe tcp sound io library
 Cio_tcp_fwcb_tTCP sound-io library's interface to the framework callbacks
 Cio_tcp_sound_tSound data handling of io tcp library
 Cio_tcp_sound_t::float_unionThis union helps in conversion of floats from host byte order to network byte order and back again
 Cio_tcp_tThe tcp sound io library
 Clatex_doc_tClass to access the information stored in the plugin source code's MHAPLUGIN_DOCUMENTATION macro
 Clsl2ac::cfg_tRuntime configuration class of the lsl2ac plugin
 Cmatlab_wrapper::callbackUtility class connecting a user_config_t instance to its corresponding configuration parser
 Cmatlab_wrapper::matlab_wrapper_rt_cfg_tThin wrapper around the emxArray containing the user defined configuration variables
 Cmatlab_wrapper::matlab_wrapper_t::wrapped_plugin_tWrapper class around the matlab-generated library
 Cmatlab_wrapper::types< T >
 Cmatlab_wrapper::types< MHA_SPECTRUM >
 Cmatlab_wrapper::types< MHA_WAVEFORM >
 CMHA_AC::acspace2matrix_tCopy all or a subset of all numeric AC variables into an array of matrixes
 CMHA_AC::algo_comm_tAlgorithm communication variable space interface
 CMHA_AC::comm_var_map_tStorage class for the AC variable space
 CMHA_AC::comm_var_tAlgorithm communication variable structure
 CMHA_AC::scalar_t< numeric_t, MHA_AC_TYPECODE >Template for convenience classes for inserting a numeric scalar into the AC space
 Cmha_audio_descriptor_tDescription of an audio fragment (planned as a replacement of mhaconfig_t)
 Cmha_audio_tAn audio fragment in the openMHA (planned as a replacement of mha_wave_t and mha_spec_t)
 Cmha_channel_info_tChannel information structure
 Cmha_complex_tType for complex floating point values
 Cmha_complex_test_array_tSeveral places in MHA rely on the fact that you can cast an array of mha_complex_t c[] to an array of mha_real_t r[] with r[0] == c[0].re r[1] == c[0].im r[2] == c[1].re ..
 Cmha_dblbuf_t< FIFO >The doublebuffer adapts blocksizes between an outer process, which provides input data and takes output data, and an inner process, which processes the input signal and generates output data using a different block size than the outer process
 Cmha_dblbuf_t< mha_fifo_lw_t< mha_real_t > >
 Cmha_direction_tChannel source direction structure
 Cmha_fifo_t< T >A FIFO class
 Cmha_fifo_thread_guard_tSimple Mutex Guard Class
 Cmha_fifo_thread_platform_tAbstract base class for synchronizing multithreaded (producer/consumer) fifo operations
 Cmha_rt_fifo_element_t< T >Object wrapper for mha_rt_fifo_t
 Cmha_rt_fifo_t< T >Template class for thread safe, half real time safe fifo without explixit locks
 Cmha_stash_environment_variable_tThis class changes the value of an environment variable when constructed and restores the original state of the environment variable when destroyed
 CMHA_TCP::ConnectionConnection handles Communication between client and server, is used on both sides
 CMHA_TCP::Event_WatcherOS-independent event watcher, uses select on Unix and WaitForMultipleObjects on Windows
 Cmha_tcp::server_tClass for accepting TCP connections from clients
 CMHA_TCP::ThreadA very simple class for portable threads
 CMHA_TCP::Wakeup_EventA base class for asynchronous wakeup events
 Cmha_wave_tWaveform signal structure
 Cmhaconfig_tMHA prepare configuration structure
 CMHAEvents::emitter_tClass for emitting openMHA events
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< receiver_t >Patchbay which connects any event emitter with any member function of the parameter class
 CMHAFilter::blockprocessing_polyphase_resampling_tA class that does polyphase resampling and takes into account block processing
 CMHAFilter::complex_bandpass_tComplex bandpass filter
 CMHAFilter::fftfilter_tFFT based FIR filter implementation
 CMHAFilter::fftfilterbank_tFFT based FIR filterbank implementation
 CMHAFilter::filter_tGeneric IIR filter class
 CMHAFilter::gamma_flt_tClass for gammatone filter
 CMHAFilter::iir_ord1_real_tFirst order recursive filter
 CMHAFilter::partitioned_convolution_tA filter class for partitioned convolution
 CMHAFilter::partitioned_convolution_t::index_tBookkeeping class
 CMHAFilter::polyphase_resampling_tA class that performs polyphase resampling
 CMHAFilter::smoothspec_tSmooth spectral gains, create a windowed impulse response
 CMHAFilter::transfer_function_tStructure containing a source channel number, a target channel number, and an impulse response
 CMHAJack::client_tGeneric asynchronous JACK client
 CMHAJack::port_tClass for one channel/port
 CMHAOvlFilter::fftfb_vars_tSet of configuration variables for FFT-based overlapping filters
 CMHAOvlFilter::fspacing_tClass for frequency spacing, used by filterbank shape generator class
 CMHAParser::base_tBase class for all parser items
 CMHAParser::keyword_list_tKeyword list class
 CMHAParser::mhapluginloader_tClass to create a plugin loader in a parser, including the load logic
 CMHAPlugin::cfg_node_t< runtime_cfg_t >A node class for storing MHA plugin runtime configurations as a singly linked list, where the nodes store besides the usual "next" and "data" pointers also a flag that indicates whether this node can be deleted
 CMHAPlugin::config_t< runtime_cfg_t >Template class for thread safe configuration
 CMHAPlugin_Split::thread_platform_tBasic interface for encapsulating thread creation, thread priority setting, and synchronization on any threading platform (i.e., pthreads or win32threads)
 CMHAPlugin_Split::uni_processor_tAn interface to a class that sports a process method with no parameters and no return value
 CMHASignal::delay_tClass to realize a simple delay of waveform streams
 CMHASignal::delay_wave_tDelayline containing wave fragments
 CMHASignal::doublebuffer_tDouble-buffering class
 CMHASignal::hilbert_tHilbert transformation of a waveform segment
 CMHASignal::quantizer_tSimple simulation of fixpoint quantization
 CMHASignal::subsample_delay_tImplements subsample delay in spectral domain
 CMHASignal::uint_vector_tVector of unsigned values, used for size and index description of n-dimensional matrixes
 Cosc_server_tOSC receiver implemented using liblo
 Cosc_variable_tClass for converting messages received at a single osc address to a single AC variable
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< ac2lsl::ac2lsl_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< ac2osc_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< ac2wave::ac2wave_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< ac2xdf::ac2xdf_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acConcat_wave >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acmon::acmon_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acPooling_wave >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acsave::acsave_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acSteer >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< acTransform_wave >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< adaptive_feedback_canceller >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< addsndfile::addsndfile_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< adm_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< altconfig_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< altplugs_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< analysispath_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< audiometerbackend::audiometer_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< AuditoryProfile::parser_t::fmap_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< calibrator_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Ci_auralization_ace >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Ci_auralization_cis >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Ci_simulation_ace >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Ci_simulation_cis >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< coherence::cohflt_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< complex_scale_channel_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< cpuload::cpuload_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< db_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< dc::dc_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< dc_simple::dc_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< delay::interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< delaysum::delaysum_wave_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< delaysum_spec::delaysum_spec_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< doasvm_classification >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< doasvm_feature_extraction >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< double2acvar::double2acvar_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< dropgen_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< DynComp::dc_afterburn_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< equalize::freqgains_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< example3_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< example4_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< example6_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fader_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fader_wave::fader_wave_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fftfbpow::fftfbpow_interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fftfilter::interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fftfilterbank::fftfb_interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fshift::fshift_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fshift_hilbert::frequency_translator_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< fw_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< gain::gain_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Get_rms >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< gsc_adaptive_stage::gsc_adaptive_stage_if >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< gtfb_analyzer::gtfb_analyzer_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< gtfb_simd_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< io_alsa_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< io_parser_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< level_matching::level_matching_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< levelmeter_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< lpc >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< lpc_bl_predictor >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< lpc_burglattice >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< lsl2ac::lsl2ac_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< matlab_wrapper::callback >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< matlab_wrapper::matlab_wrapper_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< matrixmixer::matmix_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< mconv::MConv >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< mhachain::chain_base_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAFilter::adapt_filter_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAFilter::iir_filter_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAIOJack::io_jack_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAIOJackdb::io_jack_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAIOPortAudio::io_portaudio_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< MHAPlugin_Split::split_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< multibandcompressor::interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< nlms_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< noise_psd_estimator::noise_psd_estimator_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< noise_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< osc2ac_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< plingploing::if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< plugin_interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< plugins::hoertech::acrec::acrec_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< prediction_error >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< rmslevel::rmslevel_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< rohBeam::rohBeam >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< route::interface_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< Set_rms >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< sine_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< smooth_cepstrum::smooth_cepstrum_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< smoothgains_bridge::overlapadd_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< softclip_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< steerbf >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< testplugin::ac_parser_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< testplugin::if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< trigger2lsl::trigger2lsl_if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< wave2lsl::wave2lsl_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< wavrec_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< windnoise::if_t >
 CMHAEvents::patchbay_t< windowselector_t >
 Cplingploing::plingploing_tRun-time configuration of the plingploing music generator
 CPluginLoader::fourway_processor_tThis abstract class defines the interface for classes that implement all types of signal domain processing supported by the MHA: wave2wave, spec2spec, wave2spec, and spec2wave
 Cplugins::hoertech::acrec::acwriter_tAcwriter_t decouples signal processing from writing to disk
 CSet_rms_cfgRuntime configuration class for setting the channels of an output signal (e.g
 Csine_cfg_tRuntime configuration of the sine plugin
 Csoftclipper_tSoft clipper signal processing implementation
 Cspec2wave_tRuntime config class for plugin spec2wave, the counterpart of wave2spec
 Ctrigger2lsl::trigger2lsl_rt_tReal-time configuration class for trigger2lsl plugin
 Cwave2lsl::cfg_tRuntime configuration class of the wave2lsl plugin
 Cwindnoise::cfg_tRuntime config class for windnoise plugin
 Cwindowselector_tA combination of mha parser variables to describe an overalapadd analysis window